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Interview With An Alien Abduction Victim From Alberta, Canada In 1967

By GZR News on October 9, 2024

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On November 7, 1967, a remarkable incident unfolded in Alberta, Canada. Thirteen-year-old David Seewaldt experienced a terrifying encounter with a UFO while walking home from a friend’s house. This event not only changed his life but also sparked interest in the phenomenon of alien abductions.

Key Takeaways

  • David Seewaldt, a 13-year-old, encountered a UFO in 1967.
  • He experienced missing time, losing 35 minutes during his walk home.
  • Under hypnosis, David recalled being taken aboard the craft and examined by alien beings.
  • His experience highlights the psychological impact of such encounters.

The Encounter

It was around 6:30 PM when David decided to take a shortcut across a field. As he walked, he suddenly heard a high-pitched noise and spotted a silver-gray object in the sky. The craft had flashing colored lights around its center. In a panic, David ran home, where he was found hiding under his bed by his older sister, Angela.

David was usually calm and collected, but this incident left him tense and nervous. He had lost track of time; a walk that should have taken him just a few minutes turned into a 35-minute ordeal. When questioned, he struggled to recall the details of what had happened.

The Nightmare

Months later, in April 1968, David had a nightmare that brought back memories of the incident. He vividly remembered being taken aboard the UFO and subjected to a physical examination by strange beings. This realization was so intense that it left him convinced of the reality of his experience.

Seeking Help

Concerned about David’s mental state, his parents reached out to UFO researcher W.K. Allen. Allen, who hosted a UFO-related radio show, interviewed David but found that he could not provide new information. To uncover the truth, Allen suggested regressive hypnosis.

The Hypnosis Sessions

During the first hypnosis session, David experienced extreme terror. He was unable to articulate what had happened after seeing the craft, and his body shook violently. The hypnotist had to proceed slowly to help him cope with his fear.

As sessions continued, a new approach was adopted. Under the supervision of Dr. Masson, a psychologist, David was encouraged to relive his experience as if watching a movie. This method helped him to describe what he saw without the overwhelming fear.

The Alien Examination

Under hypnosis, David described the UFO as a silver-gray object with a band of colored lights. He recalled a beam coming from the ship, which pulled him aboard. David described the beings as having scaly skin and a slit for a mouth. They examined him, removing his clothes and studying his body.

Description of the Beings

  • Skin: Scaly, resembling crocodile skin.
  • Height: Approximately 6 feet tall.
  • Hands: Four fingers, no thumbs.
  • Expression: No visible emotions.

The Experience

David described being placed on a table under bright lights. He felt numb and in a trance-like state. The beings used a small gray needle on him, but he remained conscious throughout the ordeal. After the examination, they returned him to the empty lot where he had first seen the craft.


Once back on the ground, David ran home, feeling frightened and numb. He struggled with the memories of the encounter, which left a lasting impact on his mental health. The sessions were recorded, but access to the transcripts has been denied, leaving many questions unanswered.


David Seewaldt’s experience is a compelling case in the realm of UFO encounters and alien abductions. His story raises important questions about the psychological effects of such experiences and the nature of reality itself. As we continue to explore the unknown, stories like David’s remind us of the mysteries that still exist in our world.

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